Apa khabar korg? sihat utk hari ni. Alhamdulillah ;) hari ni aq nk share 1 software yg mungkin berguna utk korg yg suke dga lagu dlm pc or laptop.

Songbird is an open-source customizable music player that's under active development.
It is integrated with these Web 2.0 services: mashTape, SHOUTcast Radio, Last.fm Scrobbling, and Songkick concert tickets. You can enhance Songbird with community-contributed plugins like Media Flow.
Features include:
* GStreamer
* Smart Playlists
* Built-In Web Browser
* Multi-language Support
* Automatic Updates
* Setup Assistant
* Custom User Interface
* Library Management
* Developer Support
Beta features include portable device support, metadata management, album artwork, and subscriptions.

aq sarankn korg try la pakai player ni. berbaloi2. haha this player lbey kurang itunes jgak tp mcm lagi best la bg aq. aq rate 5/5 la coz this player mmg buat aq senang nk xplore lagu aq yg tah bp ribu dlm pc ni. tersusun kemas! huhu lagi 1 aq suke songbird ni, ade plugin utk lirik. bile korg play lagu [if online] de akn terus detect lirik. xkirela melayu ke bi. n korg leh terus save so bile tenet prob, xde masalh utk mnyanyi haha. selamat mncuba ok ;)
Equalizer Presets utk Songbird
* This add-on add 18 custom presets for the Songbird 1.2 Equalizer !
* Time to pimp your pony !
* Next version, ability to save your own presets ?
ps/ thnkx to pali sbb de yg introduce this player kt aq ;P
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