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Can You Speak English?

June 6, 2010

lawak jenaka petang2 mcm ni. ni la jadinya bile xpandai nak cakap omputih.

~kesian perempuan tu. redha je mndengar jawapan2 yg xmunasabah. ;)

9 komen bernas:

FiesyaaChacha said... 1 [Reply to comment]

ahah. so then what language laa yg dya tngok ckp tu.. hehe :P

ayen silly said... 2 [Reply to comment]

haha . lol ! funny .

Afiq Bukhari said... 3 [Reply to comment]

i can't speak english.. so do i~~ ;p

hudamcgyver said... 4 [Reply to comment]

i can't speak English too


Unknown said... 5 [Reply to comment]

i can't speak english too..hahahha

Miss Anis. said... 6 [Reply to comment]


DaKMuO said... 7 [Reply to comment]

i cant speak english...
i dunno what she say..
ermm.. did i speak englist rite now?

Jom Terjah > http://dakmuo.frenzyfm.my

Unknown said... 8 [Reply to comment]

haha..ape daa 2 org mamat tuh..sian pompuan tuh...

papabear said... 9 [Reply to comment]

hahaha...sesaje je kena!

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