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Isu Gaza-A Message of Truth to Egypt's Government

June 1, 2010

Dunia dikejutkan dengan serangan tentera Israel ke atas konvoi Viva Palestina. dan ade di antara mereka telah terkorban dek perbuatan khianat rejim israel nih. kita ikhlas nk mmberikan sumbangan kpd Palestin. mereka menyangkal keikhlasan kita.

hayati video di bawah.. sumber dari Youtube, sHaDoWsOfisLaM channel

sape2 yg xleh play video atau terlepas pandang substitle tu, aq sertakan sekali text ape yg de cakap kan.

" We don't want from you anything. Wallahi we just want to enter Gaza.we only have medicine. you have a mother and a father. every single one of you has a mother, father, brother and child...i don't want to speak with this. I want to speak from my heart to yours you have hearts! whether you choose to listen to your heart or not, your heart is speaking to you. we have nothing and there is nothing between us! so why do you stand there like that? why? Wallahhi you'll be judge so judge yourselves before you are judged. We are not coming on behalf of anyone. We wont move from here. We can't move from this place. We've crossed thousands of kilometers! Gaza has no oil, they don't eat or drink. They don't sleep in houses, they use tents. And We do like this(cover our ears), and pretend that we don't see. But we do see! The hearts sees and hears! Wallahi we want nothing from you! Wallahi we don't wish to fight you. There is nothing between us. we don't wish to fight anyone. We have come here from different backgrounds and religions. There are Christians, Muslims, atheists and.... "

RAFAH BORDER, (Gaza-Egypt) border

orang yg dalam video tu name de Abdullah. de orang British dari Scotland dan telah pun memeluk Islam. semoga Allah merahmatinya. amin..

2 komen bernas:

Aida Azryn said... 1 [Reply to comment]

harap mereka slamat dari kekejaman israel tu.. huh!

Afiq Bukhari said... 2 [Reply to comment]

@AiDa AzRyN insyaAllah..

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