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Rumahku adakah Syurgaku?

June 21, 2010

pernah terfikir untuk duduk dalam rumah macam ni? erkk!

28 komen bernas:

IRAH HAJERAH AZMAN said... 1 [Reply to comment]

my oh my.cool sgt! :|

Kuku Cegon said... 2 [Reply to comment]

nak rumah nipis tu .
senang skit aku nak kurus.hee..

Putri Sayang Kamu (PSK) said... 3 [Reply to comment]

wahhh.. unik. Tapi sukeee =)

Komen ni ek TIPS2 BANGUN PAGI =)

Afiq Bukhari said... 4 [Reply to comment]

@lala haha leh plak cmtukn sbb nk kurus je ;p

fadhlinaafifah said... 5 [Reply to comment]

HAHA mcm mcm

imz said... 6 [Reply to comment]

semua comel-comel..nak 1...

nrabiatul said... 7 [Reply to comment]

kenapa tiba tiba mcm takut ngk rumah2 tuh

Farah-Izzaty said... 8 [Reply to comment]

hahaha.. suka tengok rumah yg no 2 tu.. haha..

Unknown said... 9 [Reply to comment]

sya nakkk rumaah macam ni lar eheheh

fq said... 10 [Reply to comment]

mmg smart rumah dy....
layan beb...

Unknown said... 11 [Reply to comment]

rumah yng ketiga tu macam roti pun ada...miahahah..rumah yang nipis tuh pulak mesti tuan rumah dya kurus2 jak kan..^_6

Unknown said... 12 [Reply to comment]

makkmakkmakk.nak sebiji.best kot.

zee said... 13 [Reply to comment]

zee pun nak buat la rumah2/building mcm tu nnt :D

The_Syatila said... 14 [Reply to comment]

waaaa..teringin sangat nk rumah mcm ni

Sheila Latif said... 15 [Reply to comment]

comel comel semua rumahnyer :)

oya said... 16 [Reply to comment]

comel sgt rumah bebanyak nih..

Alia said... 17 [Reply to comment]

nak rumah yang first sekali.Tapi duk sorang-sorang je la.hehe.

n a d said... 18 [Reply to comment]

kecil janji bahagia :)

yahaya said... 19 [Reply to comment]

yg no1 tu macam pondok jaga je..

pawaka19 said... 20 [Reply to comment]

umah2 ni xde yang taste aku la..ada yg leper,kecik,bulat..

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"Pekerjaan Paling Cool Di Dunia"

rinozeen said... 21 [Reply to comment]

aku nk beli umah cam dalam gamba no 2 tu... bape hinggit?

Anonymous said... 22 [Reply to comment]

cumey la rumah..huhu. nk try wat jgk la..

black_mel said... 23 [Reply to comment]

haha..camna nk ddk umah mcm tu..baik ddk kat luar jer..hehe..

tehr said... 24 [Reply to comment]

rumah yang pertama tu buat bulan madu, bagus tu...

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balqis said... 25 [Reply to comment]

like yg 1st and the last :)

Sha-na.Szied said... 26 [Reply to comment]

gmbar kedua last tuh RUMAH TERKECIL DIDUNIA,
saiz die kecik, muat sorang jek leh duduk lam tuh..

gmbar2 nih x de info ke cik abg?

huh, suke umah ke 2 tuh, nipiss gilaa

Afiq Bukhari said... 27 [Reply to comment]

@shana hehe xde infola cik adik.. just nk tunjuk rumah2 yg pelik pada pandangan mata kita je..info tu kene buat andaian sndiri hehe

Mizzyan said... 28 [Reply to comment]

People do living in those houses? but interesting tho :)

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