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Aku nak sesaat dua je lagi, please!

June 16, 2010

Assalamu'alaikum ;)
Kali ni aq xnak cakap banyak mcm dalam entry2 yg lepas. ;p jom layan!

kalau la ada sesaat dua lagi kan.. :) sekian.

dah tengok Sukan Paling Ekstrem Di Dunia ?

20 komen bernas:

ayin~weeweet said... 1 [Reply to comment]

wohooo macam itu pulak ngee~

Afiq Bukhari said... 2 [Reply to comment]

@ayin berfikir sebelum melakukan sesuatu ;p

qimie said... 3 [Reply to comment]


semut lelabah said... 4 [Reply to comment]

hahah,, suka gambar yg ada ikan jerung. hahaha..

Aesya Zealous said... 5 [Reply to comment]

eeeuuuu jilat ketiak ke tuh???

Afiq Bukhari said... 6 [Reply to comment]

@aesya haha dah tu de jilat ape?uwekkk!

Anonymous said... 7 [Reply to comment]


En. Epai said... 8 [Reply to comment]

dua saat boleh bezakan hidup atau mati..serius nie...salam ziarah

snowy said... 9 [Reply to comment]


Afiq Bukhari said... 10 [Reply to comment]

@e5 kalau da ajal mmg xle sempat nk pk sesaat 2 da :)

apit_93 said... 11 [Reply to comment]

x bole blah ..

.::WaNiE::. said... 12 [Reply to comment]


no 2 tu geli la pulakkk

iniAKU said... 13 [Reply to comment]

no 2 tu kalo x sembor dashing aku rase mau pitam sejam kot bau.haha!

zither said... 14 [Reply to comment]

lawak gila lah !


Misz Nuriz said... 15 [Reply to comment]

ha3..ingat kan nape la td..

amirah said... 16 [Reply to comment]

masa itu emas...lau bole nak lebih dr sesaat..huhu

Afiq Bukhari said... 17 [Reply to comment]

@amirah huhu kalaula kita diberi peluang utk itu.. ;)

Cikbelog said... 18 [Reply to comment]

arghh,kenapa jilat ketiakk..hohoo

SheyPull said... 19 [Reply to comment]

kelakanye...:) hahahahaha

Unknown said... 20 [Reply to comment]

dlm bnyk2 ni, yg jilat ketiak tu mmg lawak. tapi yang lain tu... tak terkata. cuba kita ada dkt laut then dpn kita ada jerung besar mcmtu. telan air liur, mengucap je lah jwbnya.
yg kucing tu pun kesian jugak. haih. mcm mcm.

Katakan sesuatu...

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