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Basikal Jadian!

June 28, 2010


yang ini pun tergolong dalam basikal jadian ke?!

10 komen bernas:

Towkey said... 1 [Reply to comment]

mak ai..
yg bwh skali 2..


cik helena said... 2 [Reply to comment]

dah lama tak naik basikal :)

Cik Alin said... 3 [Reply to comment]

macam2 gaye basikal lah...
tp kene kayuh gak..
penat woo...

zee said... 4 [Reply to comment]

smpai pic ke-5 tu mmg style.msk bwh2 tu da mrepek dah.hahaha :D :D :D

Anonymous said... 5 [Reply to comment]

amatlah pelik..huhu

Afiq Bukhari said... 6 [Reply to comment]

haha yg bawah sekali tu buang tebiat namenya.. saje cari pasal nak cari sakit. ;p

SheyPull said... 7 [Reply to comment]

saye suke yg warne PINK!!!!

Botak said... 8 [Reply to comment]

yg 1st tu rase nyer cam pnah nampak...

Scha Nazri said... 9 [Reply to comment]

saya suke warne pinkk. sangat comeeeell. sukeeee. wee~

cybernetic88 said... 10 [Reply to comment]

cantk basikal diew. hahaha. bwh skali tu gila T_T

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