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Aku Nak Potong Rambut Macam Ni !

June 18, 2010

Bila manusia ni terlampau kreatif, habis semua benda akan dikreatifkannya termasuklah rambut. ;p

senang sikit nak mendengar.
aq nak jadi spider!
wuuu, bapak aq tampar semalam pasal xsiapkan keje skolah.
aq ni sebenarnya sejenis je ngn burung merak
korang lalu makan x?
aq nak terbang bebas macam helikopter

abang, kasi botak terus eh.
haha macam2 gaya ada. korang xnak join potong rambut cam dorang? sekian, :)

21 komen bernas:

Zazachan said... 1 [Reply to comment]

haha~pelik2 je trend skrg ni..

Amir Izzat said... 2 [Reply to comment]

hahah...yang tapak tangan tue best..nak buat laah...kih3

Unknown said... 3 [Reply to comment]

salam...menyinggah time..

ehh ade ke org kepala pnjg mcm pic yg last tu?? peliknye hehe

sahera sa'don said... 4 [Reply to comment]

hahahahahha:) lawak gle!

Aesya Zealous said... 5 [Reply to comment]

gmbr tgn tu cool ! heheh

Anonymous said... 6 [Reply to comment]

wkwkwkwkwkwk... lucu yah..
hahahahaha.. heboh banget..

Syarafina Zaini said... 7 [Reply to comment]

kreatif betul diorang ni..haha~

Anonymous said... 8 [Reply to comment]

suka yg no , konpius mana depan mane belakang..hehe

Anonymous said... 9 [Reply to comment]

hahah..lawak la..saket perut ellis gelak..

iniAKU said... 10 [Reply to comment]

aku rase nyamuk pon pening pkir nak singgah ke x kat pale tu.

yahaya said... 11 [Reply to comment]

semua nya cantik tapi ...

Afiq Bukhari said... 12 [Reply to comment]

@yahaya tapi.... xbertamadun?? adakah itu jawapann yg dimaksudkan haha ;p

miss lolly a.k.a luvfareda said... 13 [Reply to comment]

skng lak musim wc.

lagilah makin banyak pesen rambut diorang buat .heh*

Unknown said... 14 [Reply to comment]

hehehe. dasyat kot

nurul said... 15 [Reply to comment]

lawak tul la =D

pch said... 16 [Reply to comment]

haha macam2 jenis sekarang erkk

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MiJiE BLoG said... 17 [Reply to comment]

hahah..pelik2 lah style diorang..enth2 nnti artis ikut jgk..hahaha

farysa said... 18 [Reply to comment]

eh,gambar last skali tu...ade ke kpala pnjg centu?hehe

Afiq Bukhari said... 19 [Reply to comment]

@farysa ntahla..hahaha ilusi mate je tu kott ;p

ORICS said... 20 [Reply to comment]

hehehe.style dow rambut diorang.kool...

Shey Lokman™ said... 21 [Reply to comment]

haha , yg first tu smart ! (:

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