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Seniku ~!

June 27, 2008

Assalamua'alaikum :)



4 komen bernas:

zee said... 1 [Reply to comment]

hehe.time kasih!zee amek ye! :D :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 2 [Reply to comment]

hehe same2.. amek lerr ;)

zee said... 3 [Reply to comment]

ah jap,zee prasan ade error kat code banner tu. afiq lupe tuka URL blog afiq :) tp zee da betulkan mase letak kat blog zee :)

Afiq Bukhari said... 4 [Reply to comment]

eh haha.. afiq ingt nak bg banner tu sape2 je pakai2 utk exchange link.tu yg letak 'url blog anda'.ni mesti ingt tu banner blog afiq..ekeke xpela..bagus jgak idea tu. ;)

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