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Kenapa Sukan Gimnastik Diminati?

October 28, 2010

Adakah sebab para pesertanya berpakaian seksi dan menjolok mata? apa sebab anda yang lain? jom layan video dalam youtube kat bawah ni..

Psst~! ingat semuanya indah2 je.. tapi ade jugak yang menyakitkan.. adehh

23 komen bernas:

Unknown said... 1 [Reply to comment]

uishh..sakit tu..semua sukan ada bahayanya..play safe..haha..

Sherry said... 2 [Reply to comment]

ouch... haha !!
balance beam paling bahaya woah.

Afiq Bukhari said... 3 [Reply to comment]

haha pernah gimnas ke ke sherry?mcm berpengalaman je ni? ;p

Afiq Bukhari said... 4 [Reply to comment]

huhu btul2..play safe and wisely ekeke

masmurni said... 5 [Reply to comment]

haha....xyah risau..diaorg dah biasa jatuh dgn pelbagai cara...tak terkira jumlahye hehe :)

Anonymous said... 6 [Reply to comment]

salam ziarah

sukan apa pun kalau tak berhati2 boleh mengundang bahaya... (^__^) ~

Izan Ishak said... 7 [Reply to comment]

ouchhhh...mmg byk yg sakit dari yg best gimnastik ni ye~~

Aida Azryn said... 8 [Reply to comment]

ms skolah rendah dulu aida join gimnastik~ bru bpe hari join~ trus out~ haha~ xske3 XD

Belalang hijau Perisik said... 9 [Reply to comment]

berat mata memandang...

Sherry said... 10 [Reply to comment]

shh jangan bagi taw orang. haha. ;D

Afiq Bukhari said... 11 [Reply to comment]

@AiDa AzRyN
haha mesti banyak kali jatuh tu ;p

Jelly Beku said... 12 [Reply to comment]

bepeluh jelly tengok....sakitttnyer..btw i gollow blog u yer..and hope u dont mind

Ciklinn said... 13 [Reply to comment]

alamak teringat naik beskal kecik.. kayuh laju2 pehtu terlajak kaki.. perghhh kira ala2 sakit gimnastik nih... hahahhahahha

Gayahspears said... 14 [Reply to comment]

hahaha... agak bahaya gak kan???

Afiq Bukhari said... 15 [Reply to comment]

@Jelly Beku
hehe follow ler..thnkx yer :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 16 [Reply to comment]

haha boleh diselitkan sekali tu.. mesti sakit giler kan ;p

Afiq Bukhari said... 17 [Reply to comment]

memang pun + yang gayat tu,lagila bahaya..maunye muntah bila dok atas awan haha

CIK TOM said... 18 [Reply to comment]

adeh..berat mata memandang..berat lg diri yg sakit..hihihi

darkbatman said... 19 [Reply to comment]

hahaa.. sktnyee..ouuchh

XYZ said... 20 [Reply to comment]

miss ske gimnastik yg ade awek2 cun... lentik2 huhu =))

p/s: afiq xleh ske yeeeeeeeeeee =P

Afiq Bukhari said... 21 [Reply to comment]

@MissXYZ a.k.a Abaikan
haha mmg xsuke pun ;p

Afiq Bukhari said... 22 [Reply to comment]

haha tu da terpesong jauh ;p

PMOfficial said... 23 [Reply to comment]

adeh...terasa spt diperkotak katik kan....

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