huishh..lamenye aq x update Hari Baru nih.. nk dekat 2 mngu rasenye. bukan xde idea, cume mase utk update nih kureng sket. sibok ngn majlis perkhawinan sepupu aq [tahniah along] kt Kelantan. phm2 jela bile merantau nih, susah nk men internet. huhu~
so post utk kali ini, aq nk share sth utk pnggemar rally game. aq antre slh seorg yg minat ngn game2 rally nih. mtk maaf la ye post kali ni khas utk org2 yg suke main game je. hehe~
----> Colin McRae DiRT 2<---- [ap ciplak sket info dr website codemaster, tolong promote nih ngee~]
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 features a roster of contemporary off-road events, taking players to the most diverse and challenging real-world environments. This World Tour has players competing in aggressive multi-car and intense solo races at extraordinary new locations, from canyon racing and jungle trails to city stadium-based events.
Powered by the third generation of the EGO™ Engine’s award-winning racing game technology, Colin McRae: DiRT 2 benefits from tuned-up car-handling physics system and new damage engine effects. It also showcases a spectacular new level of visual fidelity, with cars and tracks twice as detailed as those seen in Race Driver: GRID.
Colin McRae: DiRT 2’s garage houses a best-in-class collection of officially licensed rally cars and off-road vehicles, specifically selected to deliver aggressive and fast paced racing. Covering seven vehicle classes, players will be given the keys to powerful vehicles right from the off. In Colin McRae: DiRT 2 the opening drive is the Group N Subaru; essentially making the ultimate car from the original game the starting point in the sequel and the rides just get even more impressive.
In addition to the World Tour, Colin McRae: DiRT 2 comes complete with full online functionality that will be core to the overall experience, with head-to-head competitive online play and new social features to engage the racing community. Prepare for mud, gravel, dust and dirt too in Colin McRae: DiRT 2!
back to Hari Baru balik. aq da men game nih. mmg best n berbaloi. aq rate 5/5 stars!!! haha thniah to Codemaster yg bkerjasama ngn team2 dr Malaysia sndri utk menyiapkn satu hasil yg mngharumkn name negare. yg paling bestnye, dlm byk2 track dlm dunia rally nih, track kt Malaysia pn ade, dekat Rawang. perghhh! graphic hutan, pokok pisang, tiang TNB etc. mmg lawa. kadang2 aq xjadi race psl nk tgk pokok2 kt track tuh. terpesona aq. ekeke~
ni aq sertakn screen shot tym aq tgh race kt track Rawang tu. sbenanye byl lg track lain. international. disebabkn aq nih org Malaysia, baik aq promote track negare kite sndri. kn kn. enjoyz!
korg perasan x logo TNB kt tiang tu? biru merah kn? haha
ps/ korg jgn plak bwk kete mcm men game. prihatin sket kt org.
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