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Sambung Belajar

December 20, 2010

Assalamu'alaikum readers...

Penantian aku memang berbaloi.

Aku dapat tawaran untuk meneruskan pengajian di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda, di UiTM.

Kos apa? biarlah menjadi rahsia. yang penting aku dapat sambung belajar.

Kat UiTM mana? UiTM mana-mana pun sama je. yang penting aku dapat sambung belajar *hehe

Psst~! alhamdulillah :) sorry lah yer entry pendek je *huhu

52 komen bernas:

mizayusof said... 1 [Reply to comment]

tahniah afiq. bestnya :)
jeles ni. hehe

Siti Safiyyah said... 2 [Reply to comment]

heh sendiri tanye sendiri takmo kasi jawapan..keskes..haha, tahniah ek? betul2 penantian satu penyeksaan..erkk

eh eh header baru lg ye?wah kali ni sape lak yg buat?zaer lg ke? hehe :)

alif said... 3 [Reply to comment]

wah tahniah bro...doakan kjyaan aku bulan april ni lak

Anonymous said... 4 [Reply to comment]

tAHNIAH!!SEMOGA LEBIH MAJU..dan boleh mencapai cita-cita..cita apa tu tak kisah le,,,

Afiq Bukhari said... 5 [Reply to comment]

@Miza Yusof
hehe tq2..nape jeles?

Afiq Bukhari said... 6 [Reply to comment]

@Siti Safiyyah
haha tq2 :D mmg satu penyeksaan ;p

header tu afiq buat sendiri :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 7 [Reply to comment]

tq bro.insyaAllah ko akan dapat sambung :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 8 [Reply to comment]

hehe tq yer..asalkan dapat memajukan diri ok dah :D

ijam ismail said... 9 [Reply to comment]

wah..tahniah..kalo uitm shh alm..u can meet me bro..

Ammar said... 10 [Reply to comment]

Tahniah AFIQ

Afiq Bukhari said... 11 [Reply to comment]

@ijam ismail
haha tq bro..aq xdapat s.alam..kos aku tu mmg xde untuk intake disember 2010..kalau x dapat s.alam da huhu

Ammar said... 12 [Reply to comment]

Afiq.... nak rakam video dalam komputer macam mana? hari tu tangkap gambar je kn?

Marhaen Kacak said... 13 [Reply to comment]

wahh...tahniah afiq...harap terus berblogging..:)

NuSaNa NoSa 91 said... 14 [Reply to comment]

afiq~~ tahniah!! xkira la kos pape pon, ilmu gk tu.. semoga berjaya ye.. ^_^

sarah mohamad said... 15 [Reply to comment]

TAHNIAH ! semoga terus sukses :D

Fazril said... 16 [Reply to comment]

tahniah afiq..afiq amek kos aper?

suffer8zine said... 17 [Reply to comment]

tahniah bro!

Terkini : Ini Fakta Bukan Auta Bahagian 2

Shida Radzuan said... 18 [Reply to comment]

tahniah afiq!

Afiq Bukhari said... 19 [Reply to comment]

@Marhaen Kacak
tq bro.insyaAllah akan terus berblogging walaupun dah masuk belajar :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 20 [Reply to comment]

@NuSaNa NoSa 91
hehe yup~!btul tu..tq yer keen :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 21 [Reply to comment]

@bungakuning .

Afiq Bukhari said... 22 [Reply to comment]

TQ aj hehe adela kosnya.rahsia haha :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 23 [Reply to comment]

TQ bro :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 24 [Reply to comment]

@shida saje
TQ Shida :D

Gayahspears said... 25 [Reply to comment]

tahniah afiq~ belajar leklok ya :)

Afiq Bukhari said... 26 [Reply to comment]

thnks gayah,insyaAllah :)

Anonymous said... 27 [Reply to comment]

wah..tahniah afiq..nape berahsia ni? huhuu

Afiq Bukhari said... 28 [Reply to comment]

hehe i pemalu ;p

n4dh!3r4 said... 29 [Reply to comment]

c0ngrats afiq! belaja rajin2 tau nanti.. tamau main2.. utk masa depan tu! :)

Afiq Bukhari said... 30 [Reply to comment]

hehe baik kak nad :D TQ :)

ceritaku MEMORIKU said... 31 [Reply to comment]

ya tuhan.
dia tanya dia jawab
parah sungguh

caliph shuriken said... 32 [Reply to comment]

gambatte ^^

Syat0za Zai said... 33 [Reply to comment]

wahh, tahniah fiq :D nnti2 blanje la ek zai domain :))))

Wanie said... 34 [Reply to comment]

haha..biarlah rasie kn..

najihah sahami said... 35 [Reply to comment]

bia pun lambat..nak cakap jugak..tahniah yea afiq...semoga terus sakses..hehe

aNdi.Hanin::حنين said... 36 [Reply to comment]

eh same la...kos ape?

uish.,terkesan pulak ayat ni
"UiTM mana-mana pun sama je. yang penting aku dapat sambung belajar"

tahniah :D

awEEN said... 37 [Reply to comment]

congrats afiq.. klu dpt uitm dungun leh roger2 akak..
akak ke??!! teetttt!!! hahaha.....

awEEN said... 38 [Reply to comment]

congrats afiq..klu dpt uitm dungun leh roger2 akak..
akak ke??!! teetttt!!! hahaha...

Ujang9897 said... 39 [Reply to comment]

tahniah..semoga terus sukses

Afiq Bukhari said... 40 [Reply to comment]

akak? hehe TQ..xdapat jmpe la kita kat dungun ek :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 41 [Reply to comment]


nazirulhazwan~ said... 42 [Reply to comment]

tahniah bro!

UNICHI YJ said... 43 [Reply to comment]

lpsni cnfrm bz kekekee

Afiq Bukhari said... 44 [Reply to comment]

TQ bro :D

Afiq Bukhari said... 45 [Reply to comment]

@Yanie J
hehe TQ..ba sekejap la sementara nak masuk tu..lepas tu insyaAllah ok je :)

Izan Ishak said... 46 [Reply to comment]

tahniah afiq. alhamdulillah..seronok k.izan dengar afiq dpt sambung belajar. *terus aktif berbelog ye~

Afiq Bukhari said... 47 [Reply to comment]

@Izan Ishak
TQ kak.insyaAllah akan terus berblog :D

Unknown said... 48 [Reply to comment]

tahniah bro..setahu aku, kalau degree sure la kat shah alam..haha..betul ke? main teka je ni..tahniah ye..

Afiq Bukhari said... 49 [Reply to comment]

TQ bro..xjugak..degree ade je kat negeri lain :)

mr.curly said... 50 [Reply to comment]

tahniah bro!!!..moge terus berjaye..

Hana Soffelia said... 51 [Reply to comment]

Uih.. dahsyatnya.. bumper kete boleh pecah.. sabar jelah.. ^_^

Anwar Faiz said... 52 [Reply to comment]


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